General Hospital


Key points of engineering protection:
1. Entrance: Generally, when the source intensity (tube voltage) of X-rays is > 400Kv, a detour channel (lost) should be set up at the entrance, and detour channels should be set up for gamma rays, neutrons, and accelerated particles.
2. Wall: The thickness is calculated. The block wall should be kept dense with mortar and must not have a back plug hole.Cast-in-place concrete walls must be guaranteed to be compact and uniform, and the bulk density meets the design requirements, especially to prevent the phenomenon of "sinking to the bottom" of the sliding material.Large-volume concrete should be reinforced with temperature reinforcement to prevent shrinkage and cracking.When using lead plates, leaded or Boron plastic plates, the lap width should be > 10, and the nails of the fixing plates should be covered with lead plates.
3. Protective door: The thickness is determined by calculation. The width of the door and the wall should be ≥ 100, and no gap should be left in the middle of the double door.
4. Observation window, transfer window: according to the needs of the process operation to determine. The height of the window sill is determined according to the practical requirements, the height of the ray source device, the orientation and the specific situation of the outdoor resident personnel.
5. Ventilation: all rooms shall be equipped with forced ventilation devices, and the air changes shall be in accordance with GB8703-83" radiation protection regulations .Ventilation facilities should take precautions against radiation leakage (special attention should be paid to neutron and accelerator rooms).
6. Pipes: Avoid passing through protective walls or panels. When it is necessary to cross, a polyline should be used to cross, and consideration should be given to preventing rays from leaking out of the weak point.
7. Electrical: The height of the indoor busbar should be more than 3m from the ground, and the high-voltage part of the equipment should be grounded.The grounding device must leave the underground pipe.The radiation source room should be equipped with an alarm device and engaged with the door linkage device.


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